2024 Second Saturday Clinic Series Lineup
January 12, 2024
Good Morning, Y'all
I hope you're having a good 2024 already. Here's to having this be a great year for all of us!
You know that (because I've probably said it over 1,000 times and demonstrated it with my actions over and over) I'm a big proponent of music education. Specifically dulcimer education these days, but it's all music. I've supported music festivals with time and money, supported artists as they go around the country teaching, and put on educational events here at the shop.
Our longest running educational event is our Second Saturday Clinic series. We've been hosting clinics here at the shop for nearly fifteen years, and we've held over one hundred (way over!) of these clinics. I am incredibly lucky to know so many amazing artist/instructors, and have relationships with them, so I can ask them to drive to Woodburn, Indiana to teach a four-hour class.
I just opened registration for our 2024 Second Saturday Clinics, and - WOW - what a lineup we have this time around:

So who ARE these people? Some of the very best artist/instructors you'll find anywhere. They're all amazing players, and more important (to me) - they're all fine teachers. You see great players all the time, but someone that can do both, like these folks? Awesome, amazing, and all-around fabulous. (I was really stretching for the triple alliteration, but it's also true. They're spectacular teachers.)
Want to learn more about our clinic series? Sure! We kick off with a jam starting at 10 AM (optional, and separate from the teaching portion, but a lot of fun, and for people that are close enough, definitely recommended). Then, at 12 PM, the clinic itself starts, and we'll have several hours of instruction, a lunch break (lunch is included with your registration), and a stretching/bathroom break. Our clinics are "hands-on," so be sure to bring your dulcimers! Lastly, at 4 PM, the artist/instructor will present a short concert - usually about 30 minutes.
We do require registration in advance and we must limit classes to 30 guests. Registration is $44 for each clinic attendee. Guests/spouses/roadies are encouraged join the jam and listen to the concert at no charge.
Underneath each of the photos above is a link to the registration page for that artist's clinic. And if you click HERE you can see all of the clinics listed on one page. Definitely sign up sooner, rather than later. These clinics will be selling out and you don't want to miss your opportunity to join in the fun.
Thanks for reading, Y'all - Have a great weekend!
Thanks for reading, Y'all - Have a great weekend!
Richard Ash, luthier-who's-learned-something-from-all-of-these-clinicians-and-you-should-too