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Upcoming Events

Saturday, June 14, 2025

Second Saturday Clinic with Mandy Tyner
Folkcraft Instruments Concert Hall
Woodburn, Indiana

clinic logo

Join in the fun with Mandy Tyner on this special Second Saturday Clinic hosted by Folkcraft Instruments. We'll have a jam at 10:00, followed by a clinic starting at noon. We'll take a lunch break around 1:00, and resume the clinic after eating. 

mandy tyner

The clinic is "hands-on" - bring your mountain dulcimer!

After we wrap up the class at about 4:00, you'll be serenaded with a 30-minute performance by our esteemed instructor.

The class size for this clinic is limited, so we do require pre-registration.

Here's the registration link.

Saturday, July 12, 2025

Second Saturday Clinic with Bing Futch
Folkcraft Instruments Concert Hall
Woodburn, Indiana

clinic logo

Join in the fun with Bing Futch on this special Second Saturday Clinic hosted by Folkcraft Instruments. We'll have a jam at 10:00, followed by a clinic starting at noon. We'll take a lunch break around 1:00, and resume the clinic after eating.

bing futch clinic

The clinic is "hands-on" - bring your mountain dulcimer!

After we wrap up the class at about 4:00, you'll be serenaded with a 30-minute performance by our esteemed instructor.

The class size for this clinic is limited, so we do require pre-registration.

Here's the registration link.

Saturday, August 9, 2025

Second Saturday Clinic with Dave Haas
Folkcraft Instruments Concert Hall
Woodburn, Indiana

clinic logo

Join in the fun with Dave Haas on this special Second Saturday Clinic hosted by Folkcraft Instruments. We'll have a jam at 10:00, followed by a clinic starting at noon. We'll take a lunch break around 1:00, and resume the clinic after eating.

dave haas clinic

The clinic is "hands-on" - bring your mountain dulcimer!

After we wrap up the class at about 4:00, you'll be serenaded with a 30-minute performance by our esteemed instructor.

The class size for this clinic is limited, so we do require pre-registration.

Here's the registration link.