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Dana Gruber - Grace

Item Number 9070375

Regular price $17.00

Introducing Dana Gruber's "Grace" - a collection of hymns and reflective songs arranged and tabbed for mountain dulcimer, with accompanying guitar chords. Bring a peaceful and contemplative atmosphere to your music with this versatile and beautifully arranged collection from Dana Gruber.

53 pages.

This book is published by Folkcraft® Instruments, under the Fingers Of Steel® imprint.

Songs included:

Amazing Grace (3 Variations)
Be Thou My Vision - 18th Century Irish Hymn
Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
How Can I Keep From Singing (Melody Part) - Robert Lowry
How Can I Keep From Singing (Accompaniment Part) - Robert Lowry
Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho
(Capo 1)
Just A Closer Walk With Thee (Melody Part)
Just A Closer Walk With Thee (Bass Part)
Just A Closer Walk With Thee
(Chord Part)
Largo (Melody Part)
- Antonin Dvorak
Largo (Harmony Part) - Antonin Dvorak
Morning Has Broken

O Sacred Head, Now Wounded - Hans Leo Hassler
On Eagle's Wings (Based On Psalm 91)
On This Day, O Beautiful Mother
Simple Gifts (Melody Part)
Simple Gifts (Harmony Part)
Simple Gifts (Fingerpick-Style Melody)
Sweet Hour Of Prayer (Melody Part)
Sweet Hour Of Prayer (Harmony Part)
Take Your Shoes Off Moses

The Old Country Church - J.W. Vaughan
There Is A Fountain - 1700's English Hymn
What Wondrous Love - Shape Note Hymn
Wings Of A Dove

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Cecil Adcock

Cecil, I bought this because of the harmonies on some of the songs I had never seen or heard. Was not disappointed.

Freda Moore

Dana Gruber - Grace