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Shelley Stevens - The Baker's Dozen: 13 Songs And Tunes For Mountain Dulcimer - Volume 2 - Fiddle Tunes

Item Number 90218246

Regular price $12.00

We're happy to introduce Volume 2 of the "Baker's Dozen" series from Shelley Stevens! This great collection includes 13 classic American fiddle tunes, each presented with both standard notation and dulcimer tablature. Enjoy playing these beloved tunes on your mountain dulcimer with this fun and engaging songbook.

This book is published by Folkcraft® Instruments, under the Fingers Of Steel® imprint.

20 pages.

Songs included:

Blackberry Blossom - DAD Tuning
Flop-Eared Mule - DAD Tuning
Flying Hog Reel - DAD Tuning
Folding Down The Sheets - DAD Tuning
Jenny Lind Polka - DAD Tuning
Johnson Boys - DAD Tuning
Petronella - DAD Tuning
Shady Grove - DAD Tuning
Shakin’ Down The Corn - DAD Tuning
St. Anne’s Reel - DAD Tuning
Staten Island - DAD Tuning
Whiskey Before Breakfast (Fiddle Style) - DAD Tuning
Whiskey Johnny - DAD Tuning

Customer Reviews

Based on 33 reviews
Alan Richter
From the Hills of Connemara to the Cliffs of Doneen

I likely won't get all of them, but "Baker's Dozen #1 Celtic Music" by Shelley Stevens is my third Baker's Dozen book. Two jigs in the book qualify as covering the cost of admission: Swallow Tail Jig and Black Nag, which is double jig. Both require using a capo on the first fret, but no other songs need one. Many of the tunes require strumming brightly and are quite lively. I was even able to create a pleasing medley by combining the book's The Sally Gardens with a version of Sally in the Garden.

Vickie Kertz

My dulcimer group bought this book for playing at veteran homes. Great collection and nice to be able to take one book and go

Judith Detjen, I have bought dulcimer strings, Shelley Steven’s Book #11 the duet book.
Shelley's Books #11, #3, #11

I now have all her books, I ordered her other books for our group, so we all have the same. The simplicity of her books make it nice for advanced and some beginner players. Hyms for 2 is great, a much fuller sound ,

Shane Braden
Great Books

Shelley is a great dulcimer player and a superior arranger of tunes. Her books are perfect examples of this. I'm glad to have them.

Judith Detjen, I have bought dulcimer strings, Shelley Steven’s Book #11 the duet book.

Shelley Stevens - The Baker's Dozen: 13 Songs And Tunes For Mountain Dulcimer - Volume 3 - Old Time Songs