Winter NAMM Show, January 2010 (Day 1)
January 14, 2010 - Winter NAMM Show, Day 1
It's cold here in Indiana. My snow shovel has gotten a workout this season. But, rumor is, it's warm and sunny in California. So bring on the flights, delays, layovers and time changes... it's time for The NAMM Show.
Once again being held in Anaheim, CA, The NAMM Show will host hundreds of thousands of dealers, retailers and general folks of the music community for this 4-day event. And this year, Folkcraft Instruments is in the heart of it all, having moved booth locations from last year's Hall E (the somewhat subdued basement hall) to Hall C (the amplified and higher traffic hall where it's sometimes hard to hear yourself think). I see it as moving up in the world.
The arrival into California started the way it does for any NAMM convention: setting up.

...and the Folkcraft booth is good to go for The 2010 NAMM Show.
Day 1 began with a Bing. Futch, that is. Bing was able to make it out for the day, even though he was scheduled the next day at a festival on the other side of the country. What a trooper. He played throughout the day, jamming primarily on his newest koa/cedar/ebony Folkcraft Custom.

Day 1 came to a close with Stephen Seifert (who will be demonstrating for Folkcraft tomorrow and the next day) finding his way to the booth for an impromptu duet with Bing. Good times were had by all. The gathering/jamming continued into the night back at the hotel.
(left) Bing and Stephen stare each other down as a frozen concoction watches the show.
(right) Group shot with the Folkcrafts before calling it a night.
And on a slightly unrelated note, I have to mention that I ran into Christopher Thorn (guitarist for Blind Melon, the best band in the history of music... didn't you know??) outside the convention center after the show tonight. Mr. Thorn not only plays for my all-time #1 favorite band, he is one of the musicians on my "try out a Folkcraft dulcimer and consider adding it to your musical repertoire" wish list (after all, my cover band can't be the only rock group showcasing the dulcimer every now and then!). Here's to hoping that the business card I gave him will someday be put to good use.
Here I am at the end of the day, in professional/sales mode and 2 days from turning 33. I meet Chris Thorn and turn into an 11-year old school girl who just met a Jonas Brother. Ok, maybe not quite like that, but I was excited. A chance Meeting of a lifetime for me.
Nicholas Young