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Wendy Holloway

Folkcraft: How long have you been playing the dulcimer?

Wendy: I fell in love with the dulcimer in the summer of 2007 at a music teacher workshop. Somehow, I had lived my entire life (25 years at that time) in the Appalachian mountains of North Carolina and never seen one, much less played one. There are even people near me who build them, and I had no idea! Our instructor at the workshop let me take a dulcimer home over the weekend to try it out and show my family, and I knew I needed one of my own.

Folkcraft: When did you get your first Folkcraft dulcimer?

Wendy: That same year, my husband bought me a Folkcraft dulcimer for Christmas, and it is still the one I play almost all the time. It’s all cherry, and has a super sweet mountain twang. On Christmas Day, my new dulcimer travelled with me to every family gathering, and by the end of the day, I had a few carols sounding pretty good!

Folkcraft: Where do you enjoy playing your dulcimer?

Wendy: I play my dulcimer everywhere! I love having an instrument that is so very portable (unlike my piano). I play at home, of course, and enjoy just messing around, figuring out my favorite songs by ear. And I have learned a lot from books, YouTube and online workshops. I play at church sometimes, accompanying songs that I sing with chords. I love how easy the dulcimer is to sing with and how it allows my not-so-loud voice to still be heard (also unlike the piano). I take my dulcimer camping (because it fits in our little camper), and if I play in public, someone is usually going to ask what in the world I am playing.

I also get to play my dulcimer at work! I am a public school music teacher, currently teaching K-2, 6th and 7th grades general music. Several years ago, I was able to purchase a class set of dulcimers through some grant programs. I wanted to make sure the kids growing up here get to play a part of their heritage. Dulcimers are a great way to study music, because getting started is simple, but there is always something more to learn.

Folkcraft: What do you like to do besides playing your dulcimer?

Wendy: Musically speaking, I’ve played piano since third grade and still play all the time. I play for our church and have three private piano students. I also sing at church, at home, in the car, in Walmart… you get the idea! My husband and daughter both love music, too, and sing, whistle, and beat out rhythms all the time.

I also enjoy cooking, baking cookies, reading, camping, writing in notebooks, and just being with family and friends.