Tull Glazener In The House
March 9, 2013
We had a great time at today's Second Saturday Clinic. The classes seemed to go well, no problems with the new PA system (thanks to sound expert Richard Reprogle), artists (Tull Glazener and Peter Madcat Ruth played on stage at the end, only had to jump one car so the guests could hit the road...)

Tull looks really stern in this photo, but he's really a calm and friendly teacher

Madcat on stage
Thanks to Jon Hall for loaning his guitar skills to the performance. Also, thank you to all of our guests - the inaugural SSC had a great vibe. It never ceases to amaze me when I realize what a talented and likable group of friends I've made over that past few years. (this applies to both professionals and non-professionals)
Peter Madcat Ruth, Richard Ash, Jon Hall, Tull Glazener, doing the finale of the instructor concert
We're already looking forward to next month, with Doug Berch on mountain dulcimer, and Butch Ross on ukulele.
See you there!
Richard Ash