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Stephen Seifert/Peter "Madcat" Ruth

January 5, 2010 - Stephen Seifert/Peter "Madcat" Ruth

I surprised Richard when I showed up this morning. Apparently I've never walked into work wearing a sport coat and tie.

nick young at namm showDulcimer dealer. Dulcimer player. The best of both worlds.

Stephen Seifert is here today and tomorrow to perform the dulcimer demo duties. It doesn't take him long meet to up with a friend and start a jam at the booth. Below is a shot with Peter "Madcat" Ruth, harmonica virtuoso.

Stephen with harmonica virtuoso Peter "Madcat" Ruth.

At one point Stephen had a pretty large crowd gathered around the booth. We took turns with our neighbors who also had performers during the day, so all was good. None of us had the crowd that U2 front man Bono attracted when he walked by the booth later in the day, but I suppose that can be expected.

Another point of interest that garnered attention to the Folkcraft booth (besides the instruments, of course) was the custom wooden signage each model of mountain dulcimer had. Made in the Folkcraft woodshop, they were and excellent source for quick information in the busy and hectic environment. 

signage at namm showCustom signs for Folkcraft and FolkRoots dulcimers helped us out during busy times.

That'll do for today. Another fun and exciting day in California, and we're only halfway done. Until tomorrow...

Nicholas Young