Folkcraft Mountain Dulcimer Sound Hole Options
We have more than a few sound hole designs available for your mountain dulcimer. When we make your next dulcimer for you, you have your choice of these sound holes. (Or for a fee, and some extra wait time, we'll make you something totally unique!)
Here are some of our mountain dulcimer sound holes (listed alphabetically).

If you've made it this far, and gotten to the bottom of this page, you're probably overwhelmed with the selection. You aren't alone. Here's a tip: they all sound the same - there's no difference in tone quality. Pick the one that you like the most.
And if that tip doesn't help enough, our number one most popular sound hole is clearly the "Classic "F"", followed by either the "Sun, Moon, And Stars" or the "Vine Heart" sound holes.
And if that tip doesn't help enough, our number one most popular sound hole is clearly the "Classic "F"", followed by either the "Sun, Moon, And Stars" or the "Vine Heart" sound holes.