Purpleheart Sawdust
December 16, 2022
Good Morning, Y'all!
It has been a busy month in the shop. We've been finishing off lots of instruments, and getting them shipped. And making parts for next month's instruments. And cleaning up sawdust.
Lots and lots of sawdust. And that's kind of a problem - we haven't found a good use for the sawdust, so it goes in the landfill.
We used to give it away to a local person that made pellets for her pellet stove, to heat her house. But our dust was too fine, and wouldn't hold the right shape.
Then we gave it away to a local farmer that used it as bedding for his animals. But the walnut dust tasted good to the pigs, and they ate it. And got sick.
We generate about 100 gallons (two full barrels) of dust each week, on average. And throw it away. There has to be a use for this.

Our volume of dust isn't high enough for most commercial uses. And it is poisonous to many animals.
It doesn't have to be commercially profitable for Folkcraft, I just hate to see it go to waste.
Any ideas or suggestions?
Thanks for your help - have a great weekend!
Richard Ash, Dust-maker