Mike Volker

Folkcraft: How long have you been playing the dulcimer?
Mike: I have been playing the dulcimer since 2012. I bought a plywood dulcimer on Christmas Eve 2011, repaired the body, and never looked back.
Folkcraft: When did you get your first Folkcraft dulcimer?
Mike: I got my first Folkcraft at KMW 2022.
Folkcraft: Where do you enjoy playing your dulcimer?
Mike I usually play my dulcimer in my music room where I join a weekly Zoom with Send In The Music on Saturday afternoons. I also attend the England group once a month on a Sunday morning. I have also attended four Saturday sessions at Folkcraft, playing with Richard and my newly acquired friend, Jim Ash. I have attended many festivals since the beginning and have made friends with most of the elite dulcimer teachers since purchasing my first Folkcraft. I camp in Mountain View Arkansas for two months each year - the mountain dulcimer capital of the world - playing almost every day with friends from all over the USA. I prefer fingerpicking since being mentored by Judy Klinkhammer and I own over 100 of her arrangements. She was a great teacher and I miss her every day.
Folkcraft: What other hobbies or interest do you have besides playing dulcimer?
Mike: I also enjoy playing the Hammond organ, ukulele, guitar, banjo, and mandolin. I was privileged to build my very own mandolin with Jack Giger. I also teach woodcarving, create with stained glass, fool around with “N” scale model railroading, and have a complete woodworking shop.