Karen Z

Karen: I have been playing my dulcimer since 2017. However, I bought my first dulcimer in 1978 at the Ann Arbor, MI, Art Fair because I loved the sound of it. I couldn't find an instructor or anyone to help me learn to play, so it ended up in my closet. Then, in 2017, I visited a friend who was recovering from surgery. She was very excited to show me the instrument that she was learning to play through a group that met at our senior center. It was a mountain dulcimer. She introduced me to the group and an instructor. Together they helped me get my dulcimer and playing up to snuff. I love it!
Folkcraft: When did you get your first Folkcraft dulcimer?
Karen: I have always had my eye on the Folkcraft line of dulcimers. And this year (2024) I decided I deserved to have one. Richard graciously let me play the one I am holding in the photo during a class at Dulcimer Doin's in Ohio - and I fell in love with it. I call her Melody Rose. (I think that sounds very Mountainy)
Folkcraft: Where do you enjoy playing your dulcimer?
Karen: I jam with a group nearby twice a month. We perform at one of the Senior Living Centers monthly. I have also played with a group called the Strumboli's at parties and events. I enjoy playing on my back porch, too, and at the lake. The dulcimer has introduced me to many wonderful people and music. Richard Ash is one of those people.
Folkcraft: What other hobbies, or interests, do you have besides playing dulcimer?
Karen: When I'm not playing I enjoy reading, hiking, Zumba and water aerobics. I am blessed to be able to travel with my husband who enjoys playing the guitar. My retirement years have been the best years for this new Folkcraft owner.