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Folkcraft Player - Mike Anderson

mike anderson folkroots dulcimerI have been playing since 1973. My first good instrument was a FolkRoots D-50 which I bought at the Spruce Tree music store in Madison, Wisconsin in 1975.

I have played FolkRoots ever since at festivals, libraries, historical events, my classroom, and every other place that asked me.

My current working dulcimer is a 1978 Koa/spruce which is in need of a refretting. Besides dulcimer, I play guitar, banjo, ukulele, jaw harp, bones, and nose flute.

Mike Anderson

Facebook: DulcimerGuy

mikes folkroots dulcimer
Some of Mike's instruments

mike with marching band
Mike with a marching band!

mike with goat
Mike with a goat

mike with short person
Mike with a very short dulcimer player