Folkcraft Player - George Haggerty

As a storyteller, educator, & humorist, his historical knowledge of the dulcimer is evident in his 18th & 19th century presentations. His love of old-time music and his creative nature bring out feeling and expression in his music whether it is in his workshops, recordings, or performances.
George has taught students from first grade to senior citizens and has been praised for his workshop “Tips for Seniors”, and also is very much involved with Elderhostel.

He and his wife, Mary, own and operate FOLK CRAFT MUSIC in Jacksonville, Vt, where they sell FOLKCRAFT DULCIMERS and other related musical items. His CD “THE BEST OF JUST FRIENDS”, a compilation of George’s 2 cassettes “JUST FRIENDS” and “JUST FRIENDS AGAIN”, is dulcimer instrumentals and contain several of his own compositions of which the very popular “White Creek Pass” is one. His new CD “JUST FRIENDS...ONE MORE TIME” was released in September 2002. They are sponsors of their annual festival in Vermont, “AUGUST DULCIMER DAZE”.