Folkcraft Player - Dianne Butler

I began with my dulcimer when our daughter was in Girl Scouts and a local person brought her dulcimer to our troop. We fell in love.
Started a dulcimer group at church, then purchased my first dulcimer at Cedar Creek Dulcimer at Silver Dollar City. We purchased our daughter's from a local dulcimer builder. Then I purchased a kit for my husband, which he assembled for himself.
Then life got super busy, and I put the dulcimer down for a couple of years. One of our church said, we need to get our dulcimer group together again, so we did!

I like instruments with a unique sound and was searching on Google, when I saw this LAP-JO!! A banjo head with dulcimer fret board and played like a dulcimer!!! Ordered her last December and she arrived last week!!!!! I am so excited to share her with you!