Folkcraft Building Project (Not Dulcimers This Time)
December 15, 2023
Good Morning, Y'all!
Here we are in the middle of December 2023 already. Time has sure been flying the past few years.
"Due in December" instruments are very nearly all out the door, and we're well on the way to having our January instruments shipped on time, or pretty close, at least. Just an FYI - instruments ordered this month will be shipping in April of 2024, roughly four months from the date that you order.
A year ago, I thought for sure we would be catching up by now, but it hasn't happened yet. Maybe by the middle of 2024? We'll see!
Over the past few months we've had a contractor working on our "front door project." Replacing the cracked concrete pad, adding an overhanging porch (with gutters!), and putting in a new front door. The old pad looked bad and the lack of a roof over the front door made the door get wet when it rained. And over the past few years the rust had been winning the battle with the steel door.
It was time, and I finally committed to the building upgrade. (I would really rather buy a new tool for the shop, really!)
It was time, and I finally committed to the building upgrade. (I would really rather buy a new tool for the shop, really!)
A lot of you will see this over the next year or two, but since some of you don't visit the shop that often...

And after a lot of work (and some waiting for materials) the new concrete pad was poured, the pressure treated posts were buried in the dirt, the roofing and gutters were installed, and the posts were wrapped in matching sheet metal. And the new door has arrived, too!

Combining this upgrade with the new roofs (on both buildings), all the extra insulation and HVAC upgrades, and a slew of other renovations to the shop, I'm happy with the way the building is being improved. A nicer facility makes it easier to focus on customers, and on making instruments, so I think the investment is worthwhile.
Second Saturday Clinics Are Coming Soon
We start our Second Saturday Clinics in May of 2024 with Don Pedi - so some of you will get to see the building upgrades in person then.
Meanwhile, though - enough building talk. I need to get back to the shop to finish off just a few more instruments that'll be shipping on Monday - just in time for Christmas.
Meanwhile, though - enough building talk. I need to get back to the shop to finish off just a few more instruments that'll be shipping on Monday - just in time for Christmas.
Thanks for reading, Y'all - Have a great weekend!
Richard Ash - luthier-who's-glad-to-have-a-trustworthy-contractor-for-facility-upgrades