Fixing A Broken Dulcimer
July 8, 2022
Hi Everybody!
While I was at Kentucky Music week, a lot of people brought me instruments for repair work. Plenty of Folkcraft® and FolkRoots® dulcimers, but lots of dulcimers from other makers, too. Strings, frets, minor repairs? Not a problem when I'm on the road, since I travel with a pretty complete tool kit. But some jobs take bigger shop tools - adding pickups, for example - or require a lacquer booth, and those instruments have to visit Woodburn for their more-intensive repairs.

The tiny braces glued to the unbroken top.
The broken-off part glued into place.
Back in the lacquer area.
I took a piece of scrap wood, made a couple of tiny braces, and glued the braces to the hidden areas around the newly-enlarged hole. This gave me something to support the broken-off piece. I placed the braces where they wouldn't be visible on the finished repair.
Then I glued on the broken-off piece, sanded the entire area, then spent several days applying lacquer, with sanding in between each coat. You can see lots of blue tape, masking off the areas that didn't need to be touched up. Half-a-dozen light coats, then some steel wool and polishing compound, and the instrument is (nearly) good as new. There's a lighter-colored area where I did the most sanding, but as the wood and lacquer age, that'll go away entirely. Probably within the next year.
The repaired instrument after the sanding & lacquering was completed.
If you look VERY closely, you can see the line where the top part broke, but you probably wouldn't notice it unless you were looking for it.