Brandon Horton

Folkcraft: How long have you been playing the dulcimer?
Brandon: I started playing in the summer if 2019. My wife and I took a woodworking class where we were able to build our own basic teardrop shaped dulcimers, and it made me fall in love with this instrument. The instructor encouraged noter/drone style, but since I already had a background in classical guitar flat-picking and finger style just came more naturally to me.
Folkcraft: When did you get your first Folkcraft dulcimer?
Brandon: March 15, 2021 was my first. A walnut teardrop by Jim Ash with celtic sound holes. Then came the walnut hourglass with crosses, and most recently the cardboard kit we built this past summer.
Folkcraft: Where do you enjoy playing your dulcimer?
Brandon: On the couch mostly, with my main audience being our Chihuahua mix, Cookie. But also for my family at holiday gatherings.
Folkcraft: What other hobbies, or interests, do you have besides playing the dulcimer?
Brandon: Art, reading, and movies. I graduated with a BA in Fine Arts from EKU, with a major in printmaking. And although there are multiple movie houses in town, my favorite is the historic Kentucky Theatre, on Main Street. It shows an array of art films, cult classics, regular classics, and newer blockbusters.