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Bing Futch Is Coming & So Is Christmas!

July 5, 2024
Good Morning, Y'all!

I hope you had a great Fourth Of July celebration yesterday, and that you're gearing up now for fall festivals (we ARE in the second half of 2024!) and also getting ready for Christmas concerts. It seems like just yesterday I was wishing you a Happy New Year. 
We have several calendar items/events happening in the near future:
July 4 - July 5, 2024:  Our shop will be closed for the July 4 holiday.
July 13, 2024: Bing Futch clinic at the Folkcraft shop
July 18 - July 20, 2024: ODPC Funfest in Evart, Michigan
August 10, 2024: Dave Haas clinic at the Folkcraft shop
September 14, 2024: John And Karen Keane clinics at the Folkcraft shop
October 12 - October 17, 2024: Black Mountain Music Fest in Black Mountain, North Carolina
Our showroom is open during all of our clinics, and I'll have a traveling display of dulcimers and accessories at the ODPC Funfest, and also at the Black Mountain Music Fest. I'll also be doing dulcimer repairs at all of the clinics and festivals - but please email me for appointments for the repairs, to ensure that I hold some time open for your instruments.
In the shop this week? Definitely a "plug along and get stuff done" kind of week. With the shorter week (closed yesterday and today, remember?) it seems like there's a lot of "wrapping things up" projects going on.
Lately, we've been making lots of 12-packs of Herdim picks (our "Herdim Sampler Pack"). We buy thousands of picks at a time from the manufacturer (in Europe) and then count. Four red. Four blue. Four yellow...

The bright colors make me think of Legos.

With the spate of DulciVoxes we've finished the past few weeks, Pam is going crazy trying to keep up with making DulciVox cases. These are harder to make than our usual rectangular cases, so they're a challenge to make in quantity. Luckily, Pam's up for a challenge!
In the photo above are three pieces of fabric - destined to become DulciVox cases over the next few days.

And here's the latest book on sale from Shelley Stevens' "Baker's Dozen" series:
The front cover of Shelley's "First Dulcimer Book"

With some basic instruction (for less-experienced minds) and lots of tunes that younger dulcimer players will recognize, this is a good book to get children started on our instrument.

And Folkcraft has 78 copies of this book on the shelves, when we should really have just a couple of dozen copies at most. Help!!! 

Did Y'all know that we have a "sale" page on the website? There's a link to the sale page from the menu on the left side of each web page, but here's another link:
Each item on this page is part of a "Dutch Auction." Every Friday morning, a script runs on our website that reduces the price of each item by one and one-half percent. The longer an item sits on the sale page, the less expensive it gets. I try to keep two dulcimers on this page, too, so it is worth keeping an eye on to see if "your" next instrument is one that's getting a price reduction each week.

And with that said, I'm going to wrap up this newsletter, and wish you all a great weekend. Go play some dulcimers, and have a good time with friends and family.
Thank you for reading!

Richard Ash, luthier-who's-hopefully-spending-some-time-walking-in-a-state-park-as-you-read-this-newsletter