2023 - A Fun Year In Review
December 22, 2023
Good Morning, Y'all
This is going to be a fun review of 2023, with lots of photos of really neat performers. I hope you enjoy it!

Bing Futch performing at the Florida Gulf Coast Dulcimer Retreat - February 2023

Guy and Sharrie George performing at the Florida Gulf Coast Dulcimer Retreat - February 2023

Wendy Songe performing at the Folkcraft Second Saturday Clinic - April 2023

Dave Haas performing at the Folkcraft Second Saturday Clinic - May 2023

Carol Walker teaching at the Folkcraft Second Saturday Clinic - June 2023

Dave Haas, Bing Futch, John Keane, Karen Keane, Aly Ash, Richard Ash, Mandy Tyner (and not pictured) Jon Tyner - some of the Folkcraft people that were at Kentucky Music Week in June 2023. If you guessed that we're at yet another Mexican restaurant (a Folkcraft Artist tradition when we go to music festivals in most any part of the country) you would be correct.

I was privileged to take part in a LOT of great musical events this year - the photos mostly show the "famous" people, but I have a slew of photos that I treasure that feature my "non-famous" friends, too. I've spent time with dulcimer players from all over the country this year - New York to Alaska, Michigan to Florida, Maine to Texas. Probably a thousand or more smiling, friendly people. It's no wonder that I love my job so much - Y'all make it worthwhile with every friendly grin, handshake, and hug.
Thank you!
Richard Ash - luthier-who-has-reminisced-a-lot-about-his-dulcimer-playing-friends-this-week
P.S. I couldn't leave out this photo - another famous dulcimer player...