I purchased a dulcimer noter (smooth, short, wooden dowel-type gizmo) to help in applying pressure to the string, saving my tender fingertip from getting sore. The noter is very comfortable in my hand and it fits 'just right' for me. I thank Richard for suggesting the larger noter as my grip is weak. Anyone in the market for a nice noter I recommend this one.
Finally, a noter that isn't like a toothpick in these oversized meathooks. I play better. Less finger, thumb, and hand fatigue. It is pretty much a section of dowel, but the length is just right, as is the non-fatiguing diameter. The edges at the ends are nicely beveled. It is kinda plain except for 'Folkcraft,' which is a nice touch for my 2 Folkcraft dulcimers, and actually provides a perfect amount of slight traction. I knew these were the right noters for me, the moment I saw them. I will probably want some walnut to go with my Young walnut Youngster, too.
I bought this for my 6 year old to use while learning play the dulcimer. It is the perfect size for a sure hold while gliding across the melody string.
I received my 3 walnut noters, and am using them on my mountain dulcimers.
Thank you
Tom Ziech
This noter is just the right length, is easy to hold, and glides over the strings.